Ancestors 260 – 261

Ancestor 260 (1,000,001,00):  6GGF Sjur Ånensen (1701 – 17??)  Ancestor 261 (1,000,001,01):  6GGM Gjertrud Jonsdatter (1702 – 1740) 
 His parents  Their ancestral child Her parents 

Sjur and Gjertrud married in 1724 and raised 4 – 6 children in Sandve bnr 7.  1 Some family trees also associate this family with the neighboring farms of Vikra or Haga.

Our ancestor Hans was Sjur and Gjertrud’s second child, born in Sandve in 1725.

After Gjertrud’s death, Sjur married Tala Bårdsdatter and apparently continued to live in the same household.

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