Ancestors 1,056 – 1,057

Ancestor 1,056 (1,000,010,000,0):  8GGF Joen Hansen (b. 1659)  Ancestor 1,057 (1,000,010,000,1):  8GGM Anna Andersdatter (b. c. 1660) 
 His parents  Their ancestral child Her parents 

Joen and Anna were our last ancestors to live on Utsira, the tiny island offshore of Karmøy.  They were farmers and fishermen.  The sea here is rich in herring, cod, crab, and lobster.  Joen and Anna had three sons, born 1678 – 1694.  Jens was the oldest.

The church and lighthouse on Utsira post-date Joen and Anna.

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