Ancestors 32 – 33

Ancestor 32 (1,000,00):  3GGF Hans Eriksen (12/1803 – 6/24/1876)  Ancestor 33 (1,000,01):  3GGM Lisbeth Olsdatter (11/20/1806 – 18??)
His parentsTheir ancestral child Her parents

When she was just 18 in 1825, Lisbeth moved from Haugesund on the mainland to the Fagerland Farm.  Her father Ole Jacobsen owned the farm, and her half-brothers Lars and Ole Olsen managed it.  This is apparently where she met Hans, who was born in nearby Skudenes.  Hans and Lisbeth married in 1830.  In that same year, records show that Hans leased all or part of Fagerland Farm from Ole Jacobsen.  Payment was measured in buckets of grain.

Fagerland farm is in Åkra Parish.  The Old Åkra Church that still stands there today was operational 1821 – 1985, so it was the structure where they worshipped.

Hans and Lisbeth had at least nine children: Knut (b. 1830), Barbro, Erik, Marte, Berta, Oline (died in infancy), Jacob, Ole *, and Gjertrud (b. 1849). Most of them migrated to the United States and spent decades in Minnesota or the Dakotas.

The last census record we find of Hans and Lisbeth is 1875, which locates them in Fagerland Property # 134.  Hans is listed as a “Føderaadsmand og Skomager” (feed man and shoemaker). He died in 1876 at Fagerland Farm, and is buried at Old Åkra Church.  I lost Lisbeth’s paper trail after that, but I’d assume she died between 1875 and 1885 and is also buried at Old Åkra Church.

The Facebook group Fagerland Family from Karmoy, Norway, moderated by Melinda Nelson, is devoted to descendants of Hans and Lisbeth.

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