Ancestors 380 – 381

His parents
Married 1758
Her parents

6GGF Timothy Foster

NY -> IN

6GGM Bethia Howell Foster

Ancestor 380 (101111100)
1734 - 1819
Ancestor 381 (101111101)
1737 - 7/28/1825

Timothy and Bethia started their family in Southampton, Suffolk County, Long Island, NY. Their children were Asa (1759) , Luke, Gabriel William, Harriet, Zebulon, Jane, and Ruth (1776), all born on Long Island. Some sources say that Timothy and Bethia later moved to Pesgah, Jefferson County, IN. FindAGrave places them in Foster Farm Cemetery, though there are no headstone pictures. Other sources indicate that Timothy and Bethia lived out their life in New York.

Timothy’s FindAGrave profile

Bethia’s FindAGrave profile